Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey, who had previously announced a sabbatical from films, has now issued a fresh statement clarifying his position. The actor addressed media reports that suggested he was retiring from acting, stating that this was not the case. He clarified that he is simply taking a long break to focus on his health and family.

In his new statement, Vikrant shared, "Acting is all I can do. And it has given me everything I have. My physical and mental health have taken a hit. I just want to take some time off to better my craft. I feel a sense of monotony at the moment." He further added, "My post has been misinterpreted as me quitting or retiring from acting. I just want to focus on my family and health for now, and I’ll be back when the time feels right."


Earlier, the actor had announced his "break" through a post on his social media. He wrote, "Hello, The last few years and beyond have been phenomenal. I thank each and every one of you for your indelible support. But as I move forward, I realize it’s time to recalibrate and go back home. As a Husband, Father, and Son. And also as an Actor. So, come 2025, we will meet each other for one last time. Until time deems right. Last 2 movies and many years of memories. Thank you again. For everything and everything in between. Forever indebted."

Meanwhile, on the work front, Vikrant has been receiving positive feedback for his recently released film, 'The Sabarmati Report'. He was also seen in the streaming movie 'Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba', alongside Taapsee Pannu and Sunny Kaushal.
(With IANS inputs)

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