Ace filmmaker Mahesh Narayanan has revealed that Mohanlal will have a full-fledged role in his upcoming film tentatively titled 'MMMN'. The director known for his films 'Take Off' and 'Malik' said the initial plan was to make a film featuring Mammootty with Fahadh Faasil as the producer. “However, now Fahadh has joined the movie as an actor. We also got Mohanlal sir onboard the film,” Mahesh told The Hollywood Reporter. The first schedule of 'MMMN' kicked off in Sri Lanka. Kunchacko Boban, Nayanthara, Kunchacko Boban, Darshana Rajendran, Revathy, and Rajiv Menon are also part of the movie. The director said all the actors, including Fahadh and Kunchacko Boban, will get prominent screen space in the movie. “I have not written their characters as cameos. They will receive sufficient screen space,” he said.

As per reports, Mohanlal and Mammootty have set aside time for the film, with Mammootty committed to 100 days of shooting, while Mohanlal is expected to participate for 30 days. The ambitious, big-budget film is being produced through a collaboration between Mammootty’s production house and Aashirvad Cinemas. Initially, the cast was to include Suresh Gopi, but he had to step away due to his recent appointment as a Union Minister. With plans for a year-long production timeline, the film promises to be an extensive and high-profile project.
Following the Sri Lanka schedule, production will continue in Sharjah, with additional shoots planned in London, Delhi, Bangalore, and Kochi. Mahesh Narayanan has moved up the start date of this film to accommodate Mohanlal’s schedule, as the star’s next project with director Sathyan Anthikad is slated to begin in December.

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