The Malayalam movie industry is in shock over the sudden and unexpected death of film editor Nishadh Yusuf (43). His friends and colleagues in the industry are struggling to accept that Nishadh is no longer with us. The editor had worked on several recent films that elevated contemporary Malayalam cinema to a pan-Indian level.

Nishadh won the Kerala State Award for Best Editing in 2022 for the movie 'Thallumaala'. He passed away while awaiting the release of the mega-budget Suriya starrer 'Kanguva'. He was also the editor of the film 'Suriya 45', directed by RJ Balaji.


Nishadh had recently attended the grand audio launch event for 'Kanguva' held in Chennai. He was found dead this morning at his flat in Panampilly Nagar, Kochi.

Some of the superhit movies edited by Nishadh include 'Unda', 'Saudi Vellakka', 'Thallumaala', 'Wolf', 'Operation Java', 'One', 'Chaver', 'Ramachandra Bose and Co', 'Udal', 'Aalankam', '1001 Nunakal', 'Adios Amigo', and 'Exit'. Meanwhile, upcoming films edited by Nishadh include the Mammootty starrer 'Bazooka', Suriya’s Tamil film 'Kanguva', 'Alappuzha Gymkhana' starring Naslen, and a project featuring Tarun Murthy and Mohanlal. He began his career as a spot editor on the sets of Aashiq Abu’s '22 Female Kottayam'.