South Indian actor and dubbing artist Raveena Ravi is all set to tie the knot with 'Valatty' director Devan Jayakumar. The artist announced the news on her social media page. Raveena is the daughter of dubbing artist Sreeja Ravi, popularly known for lending her voice to Kavya Madhavan in Malayalam cinema.

“In a world of fleeting moments, we’ve found something lasting. Together, we’re writing our story,” she shared on Instagram. The couple were seen twinning in a white t-shirt and blue jeans and looked adorable together in the photos that were shared on social media. Raveena had lent her voice for Amalu, a Cocker Spaniel, which featured in Devan's movie 'Valatty.' Amalu was the love interest of Tomy, a golden retriever voiced by Roshan Mathew. 'Valatty: Tale of Tails', which released in 2023, was reportedly, the first Indian film to use real dogs throughout the entire narrative.
Devan had taken to social media to express his gratitude to the audience in Kerala, who whole-heartedly accepted the film. Raveena made her dubbing debut with the Tamil film 'Saattai' and as an actor with the Tamil movie 'Oru Kidayin Karunai Manu'.