Sruthi, who lost her entire family in the deadly Wayanad landslides travelled to Kochi to meet screen icon Mammootty. The young woman was a special guest at the recently held mass wedding 'Truth Mangalyam' organised by Mammootty's friend Samad. Mammootty had wanted to organise Sruthi and her fiance Jensen's wedding at the event. However, fate had other plans and Jensen died in a tragic accident last month.

As per Mammootty's instructions, the team who organised the mass wedding, handed over the amount set aside for Sruthi and Jensen, to the Wayanad native. Mammootty who arrived at the venue on the day of the mass wedding handed over the monetary gift to Sruthy.
“This is just a sheet of paper, but, this is a symbol, a symbol of love,” said Mammootty holding Sruthi closer. The video was shared by Robert Kuriakose who manages Mammootty’s charity activities. A total of 40 couples tied the knot at the mass wedding.

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