Filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra made headlines at IIFA 2024, where he attended the event with his wife, Anupama Chopra. During the festivities, he announced his upcoming film titled 'Zero Se Shuruwat', which will serve as a prequel to Vikrant Massey’s acclaimed movie '12th Fail'. The release date is set for December 13.

Chopra confirmed that the cast from '12th Fail' will return for this new project. While speaking to the media on the red carpet, he shared insights about whether he would submit '12th Fail' for consideration at the Oscars. “I am not an award fellow. I'm here at IIFA because of my wife, Anupama. I’m really just accompanying her today. For me, the most important thing—the real award—is when you make a film and, after watching it, you can either say, 'Ah, I nailed it,' or admit, 'That didn't quite work,’” he explained.


'12th Fail', also directed by Chopra, is based on Anurag Pathak's book and follows the inspiring journey of Manoj Kumar Sharma, who rises from extreme poverty to become an IPS officer. The film underscores the pivotal role played by his wife, IRS officer Shraddha Joshi, in his achievements.