Bala reacts emotionally to daughter’s allegations; promises not to see her again

Bala, Amrutha Suresh. Photo: Facebook

Actor Bala’s daughter made serious allegations against him in a video posted on social media. In response, Bala has released another video addressing his daughter. He begins the video emotionally, thanking her for referring to him as her father, while expressing that watching her video was the most painful experience of his life.

In the video, Bala directly addresses his daughter, stating, “I have watched your video. Let me begin with a positive note: you called me ‘my father.’ Thank you for that! Appa can’t argue with you. A father who argues with his daughter is not a man. You left me when you were just two and a half or three years old. You mentioned that I tried to throw a bottle at you when you were three.

I’m not saying this to argue. You even said that I didn’t give you food for five days. Pappu, if I argue, I can win, but I am surrendering. You should win. You asked me not to bother you or your family if I love you. I thought I was also part of your family. I may have become a stranger to you, but I give you my word: I will not be in your life anymore. When I was in the hospital, I believed I came back to life only because you came to see me. But you said you were there only because someone insisted. This father wouldn’t be here, talking to you like this, had you told me that to my face back then.

It is because of you that Appa is here. My daughter will have all my blessings. You should study well and grow up strong. I can’t compete with you. You are my God, my darling! May God bless you.”

In several interviews, Bala has claimed that his former wife, singer Amrutha, doesn’t allow him to meet his daughter. Recently, he alleged that he was being denied his rights as a father. In response, Avantika released a video clarifying her position, stating that Bala physically abused both Amrutha and herself while drunk. She claimed her father once threw a glass bottle at her, which her mother blocked with her hand.

“He keeps saying that he loves me very much and that he is sad about not being able to see me and sends gifts. None of it is true. I have no reason to love my father. He has physically and mentally tortured me, my mother, my aunt, and my grandmother.

Even when I was little, he would come home drunk and beat my mother. I was heartbroken watching that. My father would hit my mother without reason. I couldn’t do anything because I was so young. He dragged me from court and forcefully took me to Chennai. I was locked in a room and wasn’t given any food. They didn’t allow me to call my mother. My father is lying,” she said in the video.

Bala and Amrutha met on the set of a music reality show and married in 2010. Avantika was born in 2012. The couple began living separately in 2016 and were legally divorced in 2019. The custody of their daughter, who was seven at the time, was granted to her mother.

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