Mollywood actors have expressed their grief on the passing away of Arjun, whose mortal remains were found from the Gangavali river in Karnataka's Shirur following 72 days of intensive search. Manju Warrier was among the first to respond after reports of Arjun's missing body being found surfaced. The actor wrote that the Kozhikode native will live in the hearts of Malayalis for a long time. “At least, we got you back to grieve. A handful of ashes to be remembered. Dear Arjun, you will now live on in the hearts of Malayalis,” he wrote.

Megastar Mammootty wrote that Kerala was waiting for Arjun with a ray of hope. “We waited for Arjun, holding on to a glimmer of hope. Today, we bid adieu to him,” wrote the actor. Mohanlal condoled Arjun's death and wrote how Arjun had become dear to everyone. “We all prayed fervently for you. You have become that dear to us all. Dear brother, we bid adieu,” wrote Mohanlal.
Arjun's mortal remains will be handed over to his family on Friday. The DNA samples have been sent for testing to a forensic lab in Hubballi.

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