Actor Shah Rukh Khan made a visit to congratulate new parents Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh at HN Reliance Hospital in Mumbai. On Thursday night, social media was abuzz with videos and pictures capturing Shah Rukh Khan’s car entering and exiting the hospital.

The visit was a gesture of goodwill from Shah Rukh Khan, who wanted to personally extend his congratulations and meet the couple’s newborn. While the videos showed only Shah Rukh’s car at the hospital, the actor himself was not visible.


Deepika Padukone had been admitted to the hospital the previous Saturday, and she and Ranveer Singh welcomed their baby girl on Sunday. They shared the joyous news with their fans through an Instagram post on the same day.
According to News 18, Deepika Padukone will be on maternity leave until March 2025. A source revealed, "Her maternity leave will extend until March of next year.