Bollywood superstar Deepika Padukone has reportedly been admitted to a hospital in Girgaon area of Mumbai. Reports suggest the couple had visited the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai on Friday, following which they arrived at the hospital on Saturday. Expectant celebrity mothers often visit the Siddhivinayak Temple to seek blessings for their babies. For the occasion, Deepika was dressed in a teal Benarasi saree, as she walked ahead of Ranveer, who was dressed in a beige kurta set.

While Deepika was reportedly set to deliver her baby in the last week of September, reports suggest the families have planned to welcome the baby by C-section soon as part of the Ganesh Chathurthi celebrations. The actor is currently admitted at the H N Reliance Hospital.
Deepika and Ranveer announced her pregnancy in February 2024. The couple tied the knot in November 2018 at a private and intimate ceremony at Lake Como and shared some pictures with fans on Instagram, and five years later on Koffee With Karan, fans got to see their stunning wedding video. Meanwhile, on the work front, both the husband and the wife will be seen in the upcoming Rohit Shetty directorial ‘Singham Again’. While Deepika is a new entrant into Shetty’s cop universe, Ranveer will be seen in a cameo avatar as Simmba.