Director Priyanandanan claims 'power group' sabotaged his film with Prithviraj

Director Priyanandanan
Director Priyanandanan. Photo: Screengrab/Manorama News

Director Priyanandanan recently revealed that a 'power group' in the Malayalam film industry played a role in the cancellation of his movie Mandarapoovu in 2004. The film, which starred Prithviraj, was halted after just six days of shooting, an outcome Priyanandanan attributes to the influence of this powerful group.

“It is my movie that suffered because of it,” Priyanandanan stated, referring to the cancellation. He explained that the issue arose when Prithviraj appeared in a film by director Vinayan, leading to a ban on the actor. This, according to Priyanandanan, was orchestrated by the group he claims exists within the industry.

While Priyanandanan did not specify if the group is officially named the 'power group,' he asserted that the interference was significant. “I don’t know if that group is called the 'power group,' but there was definitely a group involved in canceling my movie. One person alone cannot ruin a film,” he added.  

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