Actor Vijay Varma recently opened up about his skin condition vitiligo, which had bothered him during the initial years of his career. However, the actor revealed that he has accepted the issue and no longer feels bothered about the condition. “I don't cover the vitiligo patches when I step out. I only do it for the camera because I don't want my audience to look at anything else, except for what I want to show them,” he said, adding that the success over the years has helped him gain confidence.

“The condition did affect me when I was out of work. But after seeing a lot of success, it stopped bothering me,” he said. Vijay, known for his work in 'Darlings', 'Lust Stories 2', is among the latest celebrities to talk about their health conditions. In 2023, Mollywood actor Mamta Mohandas opened up about the skin condition and spoke about embracing the health issue. She said she was initially bothered by people's response to her condition, but decided to speak up to create more awareness about vitiligo. Several Hollywood celebrities have spoken about vitiligo, which is a chronic autoimmune disorder. Model Winnie Harlow had revealed she was diagnosed with vitiligo at the age of four.