Anoop Chandran questions AMMA's leadership decisions, defends Mohanlal's role

Anoop Chandran, Jagadish. Photo: Facebook

Actor Anoop Chandran has voiced his strong disapproval of the decision to remove all members of AMMA's (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) executive committee at once. He argued that this move was entirely inappropriate, asserting that if there were individuals facing allegations, their resignations should have been sought rather than forcing everyone to step down. Anoop emphasized that this collective resignation is an injustice to the general body, which comprises over 500 members. He also pointed out that the organization is now reaping the consequences of Jagadish's stance on the eve of the AMMA executive committee elections.

Reflecting on the purpose of AMMA, Anoop said that the organization was established to uplift genuine artists. He expressed his desire for Mohanlal, who has consistently supported AMMA, to continue leading the organization.

"I don't understand why everyone resigned together from AMMA. I do not accept this collective resignation. If there is one person accused, remove them; if there are two, remove them. But asking an entire committee, elected by the general body, to resign is an insult to those who voted and to those who respect Kerala's cultural values. I can never accept this mass resignation," Anoop Chandran clarified.

Anoop further questioned the rationale behind the mass resignation. "When allegations were raised against two individuals, did the collective resignation happen because everyone thought they would be ousted? Or was it to avoid hurting the accused? I don't know what the reason is, but I can never accept this resignation," he said.

"'AMMA' is a cultural organization," Anoop continued. "Good people who are socially committed to upholding the values of the organization should come to the forefront. Those who are accused should step aside, which is what I, Jayan Cherthala, and Kuku Parameswaran have all said. AMMA is now suffering the consequences of the stance taken by Jagadish on the eve of the elections. The 506 members who attend AMMA meetings and elections make significant adjustments to their schedules. This resignation seems to disregard the importance of their decisions," he noted.

Finally, Anoop Chandran stressed on the importance of Mohanlal's leadership in AMMA. "'AMMA' is an organization created to support those who stumble and fall, providing them with assistance and benefits. That is why the organization exists, and the person who most desires this in AMMA is Lalettan (Mohanlal). His love, sincerity, and compassion are what keep this organization going. He is the leader. AMMA is an organization with members who think that when they receive a pension of Rs 5,000 a month, they can use it to buy medicine or pay off debts. It is also an organization for those who earn crores in salaries. I wish Lalettan always remains at the helm of the organization," Anoop Chandran concluded.

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