Slapped senior actor for misconduct; Mohanlal, Sukumari comforted me: Actor Usha

Usha. Photo: Manorama

Kannur: Yesteryear actress Usha revealed that a senior actor behaved inappropriately in an elevator during a 1992 Gulf show. She immediately slapped him for his misconduct. She said she never expected such behaviour from an actor admired by everyone in the Malayalam film industry.
When she confronted him, she was labelled as arrogant. Usha also said her acting opportunities diminished after she reacted sharply against him. She added that the actor is no longer alive, so she will not reveal his name.

"Some might ask why I'm bringing this up now. I reacted to it immediately at that time. A video of the incident has surfaced now," Usha said. She disclosed these details to Manorama while attending the state conference in Kannur as a Progressive Arts and Literary Organisation delegate, where she serves as the Alappuzha district vice-president.

"A show was happening in Bahrain. After the show, we were waiting to go to the airport. Everyone was tired. Mohanlal asked us to bring our belongings to the hall and said we could sit there and talk. Monisha, Revathi, Sukumari, and others were also there. I took my luggage and got into the elevator. The actor was there as well. He asked if we were going down. I happily got into the lift. As soon as the door closed, he misbehaved with me. I hit him. By then, the elevator reached the next floor."

"Actor Sukumari also got into the elevator and asked what was the problem. I told her what had happened and said I would inform everyone. Lalettan (Mohanlal) also inquired about the incident, and I told him everything. Both Lalettan and Sukumari comforted me and said that I had reacted appropriately. That’s when the problems started. I was labelled as arrogant. They also said I was someone who pointed fingers at superstars. Eventually, I stopped getting movie offers," Usha explained.

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