FEFKA statement on Hema Commission report: Aashiq Abu condemns B Unnikrishnan's 'hypocritical' stand

Aashiq Abu
Director Aashiq Abu. Photo: Instagram/Aashiq Abu

Filmmaker Aashiq Abu has lashed out against the Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) general secretary B Unnikrishnan for his 'hypocritical' stand on the Hema Commission report. Aashiq, who is also a member of FEFKA said Unnikrishnan controlled the association with a feudal grip and accused him of supporting the ban on cine artists in the past, which is contrary to his current statements on the Hema Committee report. Aashiq added that the statement released by FEFKA on Wednesday was issued without consulting other members of FEFKA.

“I don't have issues with FEFKA, but I disagree with the functioning of the association under the leadership of B Unnikrishnan. The government should see through his hypocritical stand and remove him from the film policy panel,” he said.
The Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) has sought to release the names of the sexual abuse perpetrators in Malayalam cinema mentioned in the Hema Commission report. FEFKA in a detailed statement on Wednesday, hailed the report, calling it an important blueprint in the Malayalam film industry. The association also said it has taken into account the gravity of the incidents mentioned in the report. “We are aware of the criticism against the silence we maintained in the issue. We do not want to issue empty, fancy statements but recommend strong action and policies that will bring about a huge change within the industry,” the statement read.

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