Fear of AMMA split, moral concerns: What led to Mohanal and team's resignation

Mohanlal stepped down as AMMA president. Photo: Facebook

The Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) decided to dissolve the executive committee during a WhatsApp meeting organised by key members on Tuesday. According to Manorama News, Mohanlal was the one who said that it would be right to dissolve the committee as more allegations are likely to surface in the coming days. He also thought that the present committee should make way for more youngsters to lead the association.
Reports also suggested that differences within the organisation were also one of the reasons why the executive committee of AMMA helmed by Mohanlal was dissolved on Tuesday. The association released a statement soon after the joint resignation of all its executive committe members.
“In light of allegations made by some actors against some of the committee members, AMMA has decided to dissolve the executive committee taking moral responsibility. A new committee will be formed after an election within two months,” the statement read. “We hope that a leadership that is capable of revamping and strengthening the association will take over soon. We are thankful to everyone for pointing out our errors,” the statement said.

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