Maniyanpilla Raju knocked at her door: Gayathri Varsha backs Minu Muneer's claims of misconduct on film set

Gayathri Varsha. Photo: Manorama

Kochi: Malayalam actor Gayathri Varsha has backed the allegations made by Minu Muneer, who has accused several film industry stars of serious misconduct. Speaking to the media on Tuesday, Gayathri revealed that Minu had confided in her about inappropriate behaviour on a film set.

Gayathri Varsha stated that Minu had told her about an incident on the set of the film Da Thadiya, where Maniyanpilla Raju had knocked on her door. She noted that fear of losing opportunities has made it an unwritten rule in the film industry to stay silent in the face of such behaviour. She added that even when someone speaks out, less than 50 percent of people tend to support them. “If someone comes forward with a complaint, there should be clear legal action. The political affiliations of the accused should not be a factor in this matter,” she said.

Minu Muneer, who has levelled serious allegations against actors Mukesh and Jayasurya, filed a police complaint on Tuesday. According to Minu, Jayasurya’s inappropriate behaviour occurred on the set of De Ingottu Nokkiye, where he allegedly hugged her unexpectedly from behind. She also accused Mukesh of physically harassing her at a hotel during the filming of Calendar. After resisting Mukesh, she claims he intervened to block her membership application to AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists). Minu further accused Maniyanpilla Raju and Idavela Babu of making sexually suggestive remarks and added that she immediately disclosed the inappropriate behaviour of Maniyanpilla Raju to Gayathri Varsha, who was with her at the time.


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