Actor Prithviraj has said that people in positions of power should step aside while facing sexual abuse allegations. He was responding to questions during a press meet organised as part of the launch of his football club 'Forca Kochi FC' in Kochi on Monday.

The actor also sought stringent measures based on the findings of the Hema Commission report. “The findings in the report should be treated very seriously. It is important to punish those who have committed sexual abuse. Those in positions of power should step aside while facing such allegations,” he said, adding that the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) had erred in the handling of the Hema Commission report. Stringent action should be taken against the accused, if they are found guilty, he said.


Prithviraj also spoke against an organised ban on artists and people within the industry. “I cannot deny that there is no organised power group within the industry just because I have not faced the issue. Action should be taken if such an organised activity to ban artists is prevalent in the industry,” he said.

He added that he was not shocked by the findings in the Commission report, stating that he was the first among the few people in the industry who sought a safe workspace for women in the industry. “My responsibility does not end with just ensuring that my movie location is safe. It is important that the entire industry is safe for people,” he said. He also said it is important that the casting of junior artists within the film industry is streamlined.

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