Strength of a single woman: Geetu Mohandas and Manju Warrier on Hema commission report

Manju Warrier, Geetu Mohandas. Photo: Instagram

In response to the release of the Hema Committee report, actresses Manju Warrier and Geetu Mohandas have spoken out about the role of the assaulted actress. Both actresses took to social media to reflect on their colleague's traumatic experience and to acknowledge her strength.

Geetu Mohandas, in her Facebook post, reminded everyone not to forget that the strength behind all the recent developments comes from one woman's courage. She emphasised that the progress made is a result of the actress’s unwavering determination to fight back
Manju Warrier later supported Geethu’s statement, simply commenting, "The truth has been spoken."

Their reactions have since sparked widespread discussion. Deedi Damodaran, a member of the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC), also expressed her support for both Geethu and Manju, urging that these truths continue to be spoken out loudly and clearly.

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