Aadujeevitham's success is a shared victory: Prithviraj on winning Best Actor


Prithviraj Sukumaran has expressed immense happiness at winning the State Award for Best Actor for his role in 'Aadujeevitham'. Reflecting on the achievement, he shared that the award is not just for him but is deserved by everyone who worked on the film. At the moment of receiving the award, Prithviraj said he particularly remembered Najeeb, Benyamin, and Blessy, who dedicated 16 years of his life to bringing this movie to life. He added that he never longs for awards but feels joyful when they come his way.

"I am very happy, not only because I received the recognition for Best Actor but also because the film itself has garnered so much recognition," Prithviraj stated. "Along with these accolades, the greatest recognition this film received was when audiences around the world appreciated it upon its release. Receiving this award afterward only adds to the happiness. This was the most challenging film and character of my career."

When the award was announced, Prithviraj said his thoughts immediately went to Najeeb, the man whose story was brought to the world, Benyamin, and Blessy, who set aside 16 years of his life for this movie. "More than anyone else, we should give the most credit for the recognition this film received to Blessy Chettan. I consider the award I received as an actor as an additional recognition for what Blessy has achieved," he said.

Prithviraj strongly believes that everyone who received an award for "Aadujeevitham" truly deserved it. "I don't think anyone who watched the film would disagree. Whether it’s the technical team, the cameraman, the makeup artist, or the production designer, everyone who worked on the movie deserves this recognition."

He concluded by saying, "If you ask anyone who worked on this movie, they would say the same. The awards belong to everyone who worked on it. Awards are always based on the opinions of the jury who watched the film, and it's natural to have differing opinions. This year, the jury that watched the films felt that these movies deserved the awards, and I’m very happy that 'Aadujeevitham' received so many of them. But since awards are based on the opinions of a few people, I don't place too much expectation on them. It's enough to be happy when they come your way."

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