The much-awaited trailer for the grand Tamil film 'Kanguva' has finally been released. Starring Suriya and directed by Siva, Kanguva is set to be a period-action drama of epic proportions. Scheduled for a global theatrical release on October 10, the film will be available in 38 languages, marking one of the most extensive releases in recent times. With a whopping budget of Rs 350 crores, Kanguva is already one of the most highly anticipated films of the year.

The film is set to make a grand entry into Kerala, with Shree Gokulam Movies, under the banner of Gokulam Gopalan, handling the release in the state.
Produced by K.E. Gnanavel Raja under the Studio Green banner and by Vamsi and Pramod under UV Creations, Kanguva is being crafted as a two-part saga. The film features Bollywood star Bobby Deol as the antagonist, with Disha Patani playing the female lead.


The technical crew behind Kanguva is equally impressive, featuring Devi Sri Prasad as the music director, Vetri Palanisamy as the cinematographer, Nishad Yusuf as the editor, and Milan as the art director. Aadhi Narayana has penned the script, with Madan Karky providing the dialogues. Supreme Sundar has choreographed the action sequences, while Anuvardhan and Datsha Pillai have designed the costumes, with Rajan overseeing the wardrobe.  

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