Vijayaraghavan has recently shared a new image on social media, showcasing his stylish look in glasses and a checked shirt. The post has sparked a flurry of comments praising his youthful appearance, with viewers commenting, "You wouldn't believe he's 72; he's a cool dude," and "Even Mammootty would be envious."

Known for his incredible versatility, Vijayaraghavan can effortlessly take on any role, whether as a hero, a ruthless villain, a passionate politician, or a comedic character. His ability to transform and captivate audiences is truly remarkable.


His acting talent transcends age, as demonstrated by his recent portrayal of a 100-year-old grandfather in Pookkaalam. Through his appearance, body language, and expressions, he convincingly depicted the frailty of old age, continuing to amaze audiences with his exceptional performances.

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