The superhit film 'Aavesham', which released in theatres a few months ago, is all set for a Telugu remake. Now, local media has reported that Rangan's role, played to perfection by Fahadh Faasil, will be reprised by Nandamuri Balakrishna aka Balayya. The rumours have sparked discussions on whether Balayya can perfect the role. Fahadh Faasil, known for playing several eccentric characters on screen, had captured the spirit of the friendly, yet unpredictable goon Rangan in Jithu Madhavan's sophomore directorial 'Aavesham'.

Fahadh Faasil in Aavesham. Photo: IMDb
Fahadh Faasil in Aavesham. Photo: IMDb

The film explores the lives of three boys who are harassed by their seniors in college, following which they try to extract revenge from Fahadh and his boys. The dialogue 'Eda Mone' and 'Idoke Sradhikande Ambane' have also become part of public banter. The film, which will be produced by Mythri Movie Makers, is expected to go on the floors next year. The makers are yet to release any official update about the project. The original version reportedly collected an average of Rs 156 crore worldwide, while the film was made on a budget over Rs 30 crore.

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