Actor Kani Kusruti who was last seen in 'Nagendran's Honeymoons' revealed that Urvashi and not Mohanlal nor Mammootty was her favourite actor. The actor was responding to queries during the Q and A session with her fans on social media. During the session, Kani was asked by an admirer to choose between Mammootty and Mohanlal as her favourite actor. Instead of choosing either of their names, Kani picked Urvashi. She also stated Urvashi's name when asked whether she liked Parvathy or Manju Warrier better, though she acknowledged she was a fan of Manju Warrier.

Screenshot from Kani's 'Q and A' session. Photo: Instagram

Her answers have sparked a meme fest on social media. Meanwhile, Kani, who was part of the award-winning film 'All We Imagine as Light' at the Cannes, revealed that she would have been a doctor, had she not become an actor.
One of the fans was curious to know what Kani did when she was sad. Kani replied, saying she would cry and binge on chocolate. She also gave a hilarious reply to one of her admirers who asked her about her unfulfilled dream. “I wanted to kiss Leonardo Di Caprio when he was 25 years old. However, I am relieved that I could love someone who looks like the legendary actor,” she responded.

Some people were curious about her height and name. Kani also didn’t disappoint those who wanted to know her age. To those who asked her what she would name her child, the actor responded, “It is a secret. I am not sure whether I would raise a child,” she said, though she confessed she has thought of three names.

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