Many lives lost, restore Wayanad without politics: Sunny Wayne

Sunny Wayne. Photo: Instagram

Actor Sunny Wayne, whose real name is Sujith Unnikrishnan, is currently in his hometown of Wayanad to support the region after the landslides. Sunny adopted the surname 'Wayne' by shortening 'Wayanad', where he frequently visits.
He has been struggling to come to terms with the devastation that has hit his homeland. "Many lives were lost in a single night. It's deeply saddening when such things happen in the land where I was born," he said.

Sunny shared that many people have reached out to check on his safety. He praised the resilience and kindness of the people in the region, saying, "Many people have said they've never met such loving individuals in their lives."
He made a heartfelt plea to restore the land and its people to their former state without involving politics, saying, "Our plea is to restore our land and our people to how they were before, without bringing politics into it."

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