A few days after Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s grand sangeet night, internet personality Orry shared a photo featuring parents-to-be Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. In the picture, Orry is seen holding Deepika’s baby bump in his trademark style.

Orry left the post without a caption, showing him standing between Deepika and Ranveer. Deepika looked radiant in a purple saree by Torani, with her baby bump clearly visible. Orry placed his hand on the bump and posed with a pout, while Deepika smiled. Ranveer appeared happy, resting a hand on Orry's shoulder.


Despite the cheerful scene, many netizens were displeased with Orry touching Deepika's baby bump. Comments ranged from, "Orry looks like the adopted child," to "Don’t you dare touch Deepu," and "Leave the woman alone, Orry." There was also a flurry of remarks about Deepika's pregnancy, with one user stating, "Now it's totally clear that Deepika is really pregnant...I don't know why haters say so many negative things."
Deepika and Ranveer announced their pregnancy in March this year and revealed they are expecting their baby in September.