Samantha criticised for her post on alternative medicine, issues clarification

Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Photo | Instagram

Mumbai: Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu has issued a clarification after a doctor who criticised her in a post on X and called for her to be imprisoned for advocating alternative medicine. Samantha said that she consulted a highly qualified doctor who served with DRDO for 25 years, and he was the one who prescribed her the alternative medication.
“I merely suggested with good intentions because of all that I have faced and learnt in the last couple of years. Especially that treatments can be financially draining and many may not be able to afford them. End of the day, we all depend on educated doctors to guide us. This treatment was suggested to me by a highly qualified doctor who is an MD, who has served DRDO for 25 years. He, after all his education in conventional medicine, chose to advocate an alternate therapy," she shared.

On Friday, the actress took to her Instagram and penned a lengthy note talking about her choices and expressing empathy for those who cannot afford expensive medication.
Samantha wrote: “Over the last couple of years, I've had to take many different types of medicines. I've tried everything I was strongly advised to take. As advised by highly qualified professionals and after doing as much self-research as is possible for a layperson like me. Many of these treatments were also very very expensive."

The actress further mentioned that she often thought about how fortunate she is to afford these treatments and empathised with those who cannot. Samantha shared that conventional treatments weren't yielding positive results for her for a long time.
She continued: “There's a good chance it was just me and I’m sure they will work very well for others. “These two factors led me to also read up on alternate therapies and treatments. And after trial and error, I found treatments that worked wonderfully for me. Treatments that also cost a fraction of what I was spending on conventional healthcare. I am not naive enough to go about strongly advocating a treatment.”

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