Mollywood celebrities took to social media to share photos of themselves observing yoga. Superstar Mohanlal urged everyone to practice the fitness technique for a healthier life. On the occasion of International Day of Yoga, he shared a picture of himself in a yoga pose with the caption: ‘Happy Yoga Day, everyone! Breathe, flow, and stay strong and healthy.’
In the past too, the actor had spoken about the universal benefits of yoga, while also maintaining that his journey as a yoga student had helped him understand the ancient science better. Union Minister of State Suresh Gopi, meanwhile, participated in the Yoga Day events held at Kerala Arts and Crafts Village in Kovalam. The actor-turned-politician performed yoga along with other participants at the centre.

Sshivada performing a yoga asana. Photo | Facebook

Actor Sshivada who was last seen in ‘Garudan’ also shared a picture of herself practicing yoga. The actor who is an ardent yoga practitioner and fitness freak wished everyone on the special day. Bollywood actors too performed yoga and shared photos of themselves encouraging others to practice the meditation technique. Actors Jackie Shroff, Vidya Malavade and Akshara Singh were among those who observed yoga.