Mammootty silences doubters with action-packed 'Turbo' making video

Still from Turbo making video: Photo: X/Friday Matinee

Another making video from Mammootty's recent release 'Turbo' is gaining traction on social media. This clip showcases the intense fight sequences set within a police station. Mammootty effortlessly executes the action sequences, dispelling earlier rumours suggesting the use of a stunt double.
The making video has garnered praise for Mammootty's dedication and skill in performing the stunt sequences. 'Turbo' showcases Mammootty in a new light, presenting him in action scenes unlike any before seen in his repertoire.

Written by Midhun Manuel Thomas and produced under the banner of Mammotty Kampany, 'Turbo' marks the third collaboration between Mammootty and director Vysakh, following their successful ventures 'Pokkiri Raja' and 'Madhura Raja'. The film's ensemble cast includes Raj B Shetty, Sunil, Anjana Jayaprakash, Shabareesh Varma, Dileesh Pothan, Bindu Panicker, and Niranjana Anoop.
Christo Xavier composed the music for the film, while Vishnu Sarma and Shameer Muhammed handled cinematography and editing, respectively.

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