Actor Kani Kusruti, who is basking in the success of her film's recognition at the recently concluded Cannes Film Festival, said some of her statements from a recent interview were being twisted and taken out of context. The actor had recently given an interview to a news channel, where she spoke about her involvement in the award-winning work 'Biriyaani' directed by Sajin Baabu. In the video, which went viral, the actor was heard saying she had reservations about the script but decided to work in 'Biriyaani', because she was facing financial constraints.
In a new post, the actor said her statements were edited and circulated without her knowledge. “Let me make it clear that I am not in any way responsible for the allegations and comments in the said content as this is not happening with my knowledge,” she wrote, addressing the issue in Malayalam.
Malayalam actors Kani Kusruti and Divya Prabaha won international acclaim after their film directed by Payal Kapadia received the Grand Prix award at the Cannes Film Festival, which concluded in Paris on May 25. Kani also was in the limelight for wearing a watermelon clutch to the festival to show her solidarity with Palestine.

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