Indian director Payal Kapadia and her team including actresses Kani Kusruti and Divya Prabha from 'All We Imagine As Light' danced their way to the Cannes screening on May 23. This marks a significant moment as it is the first Indian film to compete for the Palme d'Or award at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in 30 years. The movie features a talented cast, including Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, Chhaya Kadam, and Hridhu Haroon. The cast and crew were all smiles on the red carpet, showcasing their excitement and joy.

The film is about Prabha, a nurse, who receives an unexpected gift from her long estranged husband that throws her life into disarray. Her younger roommate, Anu, tries in vain to find a private spot in the big city to be alone with her boyfriend.
One day the two nurses go on a road trip to a beach town where the mystical forest becomes a space for their dreams to manifest, according to the plotline.

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