Actor Prabhas, who is preparing for his upcoming release "Kalki 2898 AD," has recently intrigued fans with an Instagram story. In his post, the Rebel Star hinted at an exciting development by writing, "Darlings!!..Finally someone very special is about to enter our life..Wait cheyandi."
This cryptic message has reignited long-standing speculations about Prabhas's marriage. Fans began to wonder if the actor is finally going to announce his wedding. However, not everyone is convinced that the post pertains to his personal life.

Some netizens believe it might be related to a movie promotion. One user commented, "I don't think it's anything personal. Might be promotion related," while another speculated, "Maybe our Darling is getting married."
The Instagram message has sparked widespread speculation among fans. It could be an update on one of his upcoming films, a new project, or perhaps even a personal announcement. Now, fans will have to wait for an update directly from Prabhas himself.