Actress Sunny Leone, who co-hosts a dating reality show alongside Tanuj Virwani, shared a personal revelation in a recent episode. She opened up about her past relationship, disclosing that her ex-partner had betrayed her trust by cheating on her.

According to Sunny, she was engaged to this individual and they were on the verge of getting married within two months when he abruptly confessed that he no longer loved her. She recalled the moment, saying, "I also was engaged once before I met my husband. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong, and something was really wrong... He was cheating on me!"


She went on to recount the heartbreaking revelation, stating, "I just asked him if he loved me anymore, and he was like, 'No, I don't love you anymore'." This revelation shattered Sunny's plans for their upcoming wedding, which was intended to be a destination ceremony in Hawaii.

However, amidst the despair, Sunny found solace in the belief that there is a greater plan for everyone. She expressed gratitude for the support of her current husband, whom she referred to as an angel. He had been there for her during the most challenging moments of her life, including the passing of both her parents.