Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari has commenced shooting for 'Ramayana', an epic film that boasts a star-studded cast. Ranbir Kapoor is set to portray Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi will play Sita, Sunny Deol takes on the role of Hanuman, and Yash is cast as Ravana.

According to a report by Pinkvilla, Nitesh Tiwari and producer Namit Malhotra have roped in Oscar-winners Hans Zimmer and AR Rahman to work on 'Ramayana'.

A source revealed to the portal, 'Hans Zimmer is gearing up to make his debut in the Indian film industry with 'Ramayana.' Namit Malhotra and Nitesh Tiwari are fully committed to realizing their global vision for this Indian epic. Zimmer is particularly drawn to the story of Lord Ram and is excited to compose the music score for 'Ramayana.''

The first instalment of the 'Ramayana' trilogy is currently in production and is being touted as the most expensive film ever made in Indian cinema.

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