Recently, Prithviraj treated a group of Telugu filmmakers to a special premiere of his much-anticipated film 'Aadujeevitham', scheduled to hit theatres on March 28. Mythri Movie Makers, handling the distribution of the movie in Telugu, were floored by the Blessy directorial and termed it a classic. They were all praise for Prithviraj's performance. 

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The journey of 'Aadujeevitham' began in 2008, with the filming process commencing in 2018. Remarkably, the shooting of the movie was completed after five years in 2023, marking it as the longest production period for a Malayalam film. 

With its grand scale and high expectations, the film is anticipated to be one of the biggest in Prithviraj's career. Amala Paul is the leading lady of the film, based on the book of the same name by acclaimed writer Benyamin. Oscars winners A.R. Rahman and Resul Pookutty are also associated with 'Aadujeevitham' (The Goat Life).

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