The highly popular Malayalam comedy movie franchise, Aadu, is set to receive a third instalment soon. Recently, actor Jayasurya and director Midhun Manuel Thomas, took to their official social media handles to confirm their collaboration with actor-producer Vijay Babu for Aadu 3.

The announcement of Aadu 3 has stirred excitement among viewers, especially considering the significant fan base Aadu 1 and 2 garnered in Kerala.


Aadu was initially released in 2015, followed by its second instalment in 2017. The slapstick comedy follows the adventures of a tug-of-war team based in Idukki, led by Jayasurya's character, Shaji Pappan. Memorable characters such as Vinayakan's mafia henchman Dude, local crimelord Satan Xavier (portrayed by Sunny Wayne), and politician Sasi Ashan (played by Indrans) become part of the journey. Their escapades unfold after a goat belonging to Pappan and his teammates ends up munching on an ancient herb with magical properties.