Lady superstar Nayanthara and director Vignesh Shivan have shared a strong bond for nine years, culminating in their marriage in 2022. Despite their prominence, Nayanthara only recently joined Instagram, where both partners actively engage with their fans.

Rumours began swirling last week, suggesting trouble in paradise as Nayanthara allegedly unfollowed her husband on Instagram. Speculation of separation quickly escalated to divorce rumours, leaving fans concerned about the couple's relationship.


However, Vignesh Shivan swiftly dispelled the rumours by sharing a story featuring Nayanthara and her skincare brand, which had become the title sponsor for an award show. This post effectively quashed the rumours, with fans breathing a sigh of relief as they witnessed the couple's continued public support for each other.

Their relationship blossomed after collaborating on the film 'Naanum Rowdy Dhaan' in 2015, leading to their eventual marriage in a traditional ceremony in Mahabalipuram in 2022. The couple welcomed their twin sons through surrogacy in October 2022.