Kumar Shahani, one of the leading figures in Indian arthouse cinema, passed away on Saturday in Kolkata. He was 83 years old. Throughout his celebrated six-decade career, Shahani directed films such as Maya Darpan, Tarang, Khayal Gatha, and Kasba. Born on December 7, 1940, in Larkana, Sindh, undivided India, Shahani's family relocated to Mumbai after Partition.

Shahani pursued his education at the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) in Pune. During his time there, he was one of the favourite protégés of director Ritwik Ghatak. Subsequently, Shahani journeyed to France, where he had the privilege of assisting Robert Bresson on his film 'Une Femme Douce'. He regards both Ghatak and Bresson as his mentors and sources of inspiration. His film 'Maya Darpan', adapted from a story by Nirmal Verma, earned him the prestigious National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi.  

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