Actor Swasika Vijay is set to tie the knot with her former co-star and model, Prem Jacob, as per reports. Their marriage ceremony is slated to be held in Thiruvananthapuram on January 26, followed by a wedding reception in Kochi on January 27, where coworkers and friends will join in the celebrations.

The couple previously shared the screen in the Malayalam serial 'Manam Pole Mangalyam,' and an old viral video of the pair added to the anticipation surrounding their union.


Pooja Vijay, widely recognized by her stage name Swasika, has gained acclaim for her notable performances in movies such as 'Prabhuvinte Makkal', 'Kattappanayile Rithwik Roshan', 'Porinju Mariam Jose', and 'Chathuram'.

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