Actor Ranveer Singh, adding to the list of celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, and Shraddha Kapoor endorsing Lakshadweep, has stirred online buzz by unintentionally sharing an image of the Maldives. As discussions heat up regarding Maldives politician Zahid Rameez's critique of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Lakshadweep visit, the 'Gully Boy' actor took to X (formerly Twitter) to share a picturesque island photo.

Along with the photo, he wrote: "This year let’s make 2024 about exploring India and experiencing our culture. There is so much to see and explore across the beaches and the beauty of our country. Chalo India let’s #exploreindianislands Chalo bharat dekhe".
However, it caught the attention of social media users, and they wrote: "You are promoting Indian islands while putting a picture of Maldives. What is wrong with you, Ranveer?"


The actor was quick to delete the picture from his social media post.
Reacting to the faux pas, one fan said: "Too late to delete, the internet always wins". Another wrote: "deleted".
Earlier, in the day, Ranveer along with his wife and actress Deepika Padukone were spotted at the Mumbai airport, as they jetted off to an undisclosed location for a vacation.
Meanwhile, he was last seen as the lead in 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani'. He next has 'Singham Again'.
(With IANS inputs)

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