Actress Parvathy Thiruvothu recently garnered acclaim for her portrayal of a police officer in the Telugu web series 'Dhootha,' featuring Naga Chaitanya as the lead. Her performance in the series has been well-received, contributing to her growing recognition.

Taking to Instagram, Parvathy shared a set of stylish pictures, catching the attention of netizens. However, what stood out the most in the photos was the pair of shoes she was wearing. One shoe was vibrant green, while the other was a striking pink. While the mismatched shoes were intended as a style statement, netizens couldn't resist injecting humour into their comments.


Some netizens playfully remarked on the mismatched shoes, with one commenting, 'Hey, I think you forgot to wear the right pair of sandals.' Another shared a relatable school memory, saying, 'I used to wear different sandals to school when one got torn.' Yet another user humorously suggested, 'Footwear, maybe Dhootha effect.' The quirky reactions added a light-hearted touch to Parvathy's stylish Instagram post.