The battle between ‘Dunki’ and ‘Salaar’ has reached its crescendo ahead of the release. In North India, there is reportedly a tug of war between distribution houses and single-screen theatre owners regarding screening of both films. Production house Pen Studios, which is distributing the Shah Rukh Khan film ‘Dunki’, is demanding 100 per cent screens from single-screen theatre owners from the day the movie hits theatres on Thursday.

However, the exhibitors are reportedly unhappy with the turn of events since they see both ‘Dunki’ and the Prabhas-starrer ‘Salaar’, which will hit theatres on Friday, as profitable films. Though they are willing to provide more shows for ‘Dunki’, they are finding the demand by Pen Studios unreasonable. There are also reports that single-screen theatre owners are yet to open bookings for ‘Dunki’, owing to this tussle.


Meanwhile, in Kerala, there is hype surrounding Mohanlal’s ‘Neru’, directed by Jeethu Joseph. The movie will release on Thursday. However, it is Prashanth Neel’s ‘Salaar’, which has managed to generate huge interest in Kerala. According to the film exhibitors association here, over 60 per cent of theatres in Kerala will be screening ‘Salaar’ on the opening day.

“The buzz for Salaar is huge here. There is the Prabhas, Prithviraj and Prashanth Neel combo. Also, Hombale Films is a huge banner, which has earned the trust of Malayalis in Kerala,” said K Vijayakumar, president of Film Exhibitors United Organisation of Kerala.


He said Hindi films continue to have a lower fan base in Kerala, though Shah Rukh Khan’s recent Hindi films like ‘Jawan’ and ‘Pathaan’ worked really well. “However, we can’t compare ‘Dunki’ with films like ‘Jawan’ and ‘Pathaan’. Both movies were action-oriented and catered to a general audience. ‘Dunki’ belongs to a different mould altogether,” he said. Vijayakumar added that ‘Neru’ is expected to do good business, but the exhibitors can only determine if the film requires more screens once the film releases.

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