The Kerala High Court on Wednesday issued a legal notice to the makers of ‘Neru’ on a writ petition filed by a person alleging that the director and the screenplay writer of the film had stolen his script. However, the High Court refused to stay the release of the film, which is set to hit theatres on December 21.

The petitioner – scriptwriter Deepak Unni – alleged that Jeethu Joseph and 'Neru' co-scriptwriter Shanti Mayadevi forcibly bought a copy (49 pages) of his story based on an emotional court drama during a meeting held at the Kochi Marriott Hotel 3 years ago and later removed him from the film.


He realised that he was cheated when he saw the trailer of ‘Neru’ following which, he approached the Kerala High Court. Deepak, in his petition, urged the High Court to stay the release of the film. ‘Neru’, produced by Aashirvad Cinemas, features Mohanlal, Priyamani, Anaswara Rajan, and Jagadish, among others. The film marks Jeethu Joseph’s latest collaboration with Mohanlal, after his highly successful film ‘Drishyam’ and its sequel ‘Drishyam 2’.

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