Actor Sunny Leone is making her Malayalam debut in the upcoming web series titled 'Pan Indian Sundari', distributed by HR OTT. Produced by Sreena Prathapan under the banner of HR Productions, the series is directed by Satheesh and written by Princy Denny and Lenin Johnny.

Pan Indian Sundari is touted as Malayalam cinema's first big-budget comedy action thriller series. The lead roles are played by Appani Sarath and Malavika, and the ensemble cast includes Manikuttan, Johny Antony, John Vijay, Bheeman Raghu, Sajitha Madathil, Kottayam Ramesh, Azeez Nedumangad, Hareesh Kanaran, and Noby Markose.


The series is set to be released in five languages: Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, and Hindi. Cinematographer Ravi Chandran is behind the camera, and the art direction is handled by Madhu Raghavan.