The trailer for 'Curry and Cyanide - The Jolly Joseph Case' has been released, offering a glimpse into the gripping narrative. Set against the backdrop of the infamous Koodathayi Cyanide Case, where a professor poisoned her family, including a two-year-old, the series is a production by India Today Originals and is scheduled to stream on Netflix starting December 22.

The storyline delves into the disturbing tale of Jolly Joseph, the professor accused of masterminding the cyanide poisoning of six family members, including a toddler. Directed by National Award winner Christo Tomy and edited by the US-based post-production facility, Union Editorial, the documentary aims to unravel the truth hidden beneath Jolly Joseph's public facade. Through firsthand testimonials, it sheds light on the stark contrast between her public image and the sinister reality she concealed.


'Curry & Cyanide - The Jolly Joseph Case' serves as a spotlight on the chilling events of the Koodathayi Cyanide case, prompting audiences to contemplate the fragility of human relationships and the unsettling mysteries concealed within seemingly ordinary lives.