Ever since the controversy involving a female journalist, Suresh Gopi has been under the eye of a storm. If the social media is full of posts berating and supporting the actor, the media is also having a field day, moderating discussions headlining the actor. Meanwhile, a recent video has been circulating on social media that showed the actor pushing away a male fan who tried to hug him. Justifiably a lot of people put up posts criticising the actor for his “hypocrisy” and felt he was only interested in hugging female fans.

Now his fans have come up with a video explaining what really transpired in that video. Suresh Gopi was wearing a dressing on his leg as his toe finger had hurt.  So he was simply trying to protect his leg when he tried to push the excited fan away. In the video, he can be seen explaining to his fan about the leg.
“We thought we would ignore this issue considering 'Garudan' is doing so well in theatres. But then this video required an explanation. All are trolling Sureshettan without understanding the reality. Please watch the full video and check the dressing on his leg. After that please listen to what he is telling that guy. After all that you can’t understand, leave it,” was the caption shared by his fan video.


His latest film, ‘Garudan’ is a cat-and-mouse game between a cop and a culprit. The biggest attraction of the film has to be the lead pair’s performance. Suresh Gopi plays Kerala Armed Police Commandant Harish Madhav. And Biju appears as college professor Nishant. The story picks momentum when Nishant gets into a legal tussle.
The film is produced by Listin Stephen under the banner of Magic Frames. Garudan is directed by Arun Varma and written by Midhun Manuel (his first collaboration with Magic Frames).