The daughter of Telugu actor Sarala Kumari, who went missing following the flash floods that hit Sikkim a few days ago, has reportedly approached the Telangana government seeking help in tracing her mother. According to Nabitha, who is currently residing in the United States of America, she has not been able to establish any contact with her mother, who had travelled to the state with friends on a vacation.

Sarala's daughter also maintained that she was not able to get in touch with any of the hotels or the army hotline numbers in the state, adding that she was concerned for her mother's safety since she has not responded to any of her phone calls since October 3.


Sarala debuted in films in the 1980s after she won the Miss Andhra Pradesh title in 1983. The actor has worked in films like 'Danaveerasurakarna' and 'Sangharshan'. She has been residing in Hyderabad Hi-Tech City for years. Meanwhile, the flash floods in Sikkim has claimed at least 22 lives till date, while over120 people are feared missing. As many as six army personnel have also lost their lives in the flood that hit the state on October 4.