Filmmaker Vignesh Shivan is someone who regularly shares updates about his personal life on social media. Now, the 'Naanum Rowdy Dhaan' filmmaker has revealed the faces of his twin boys Uyir and Ulag as they celebrated their first birthday. Nayanthara too shared the images on her Instagram handle.

“En Mugam Konda .. En Uyir, En Gunam Konda … En Ulag. Waited for a long time to post these lines and our pics together my lovely boys. Happy birthday my dear Sons. Uyir RudroNeel & Ulag Daiwik,” Vignesh wrote on Instagram.


“Appa and Amma love U2 beyond what words could explain ! Beyond anything and everything in this life ! Thank You 2 for coming into our lives and making it soo happy ! U have brought in all the positivity and blessings , this 1 full year has been filled with moments to cherish for a lifetime ! Love you 2 !You are our world & our blessed life,” he concluded.

Though the couple had shared glimpses of their sons occasionally, this is the first time they are posting a full-length picture of their children. The duo had twins through surrogacy last year, a few months after their marriage ceremony.