Nayanthara, who recently made her Instagram debut, has been posting some lovely pictures with her two sons on social media. The latest photo of the twins dressed up in traditional dhotis while crawling on the floor is going viral. The photo was clicked on the occasion of Krishna Jayanthi celebrations.

“Forever grateful to God for my blessings. Wikki. Uyir. Ulag,” wrote the actor as she shared the post. Her husband and producer Vignesh Shivan also shared the photo with a note: “With our two Krishananssssss ! Such a blessed #KrishnaJayanthi with sooo many beautiful, blessed moments ! All love to our Uyir and Ulag,” he wrote.


Meanwhile, the Shah Rukh Khan film directed by Atlee and also featuring Nayanthara, released in theatres worldwide on Thursday. The Badshah of Bollywood has been paired opposite the lady superstar in the film. This is Nayanthara's debut in Bollywood.

The actor who has always preferred to stay away from the public eye debuted on Instagram only recently. There are reports she did it as part of the film's promotion.

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