Shah Rukh Khan, who is eagerly preparing for the release of his highly anticipated movie 'Jawan', engaged in an #AskSRK session on Twitter, delighting fans with his intriguing responses. During the interaction, he also unveiled some intriguing insights about the upcoming Atlee-directed film.

Shah Rukh Khan gracefully responded to a netizen's inquiry about 'Jawan's' advance booking, who asked, "Jawan ka kitna booking cooperate hai aur kitna real?" on X (formerly known as Twitter). In his reply, Shah Rukh encouraged the user to foster positive thoughts and goodwill for everyone, urging against engaging in negative discussions.


The advance booking for 'Jawan' commenced on September 1 and reportedly saw the sale of nearly 4 lakh tickets. The film is poised to achieve an impressive advance booking collection exceeding Rs 40 crore on its opening day.

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